Build Awesome React Native Music streaming app

5-Star customer satisfications

Login Flow
- Login
- Signup
- Forgot password

App Landing Flow
- Albums arranged in horizontal scrollers
- Browse tab to browse different songs
- Vertical arranged in different categories
- Show thumbnail list with artist / album

Artist Playlist
- Artist Page
- Album page with list of songs
- Easy play feature
- Playback page with album art
- Timeline and basic playback buttons
- Similar to Spotify UI

Make Your Own Playlist
- Artist songs list
- Add Songs
- In-playback option to look at playlist
- minimize player
- Randomize, seek ahead

Other Feature
- Side-menu with Home
- offline content
- Radio tab to check out radio stations
- Settings page with streaming quality

Why Buy Enappd Products

– Version: 2.0.1– Last Updated: May 28,2019– This is Exclusive Product Licence from EnappdWhy React Native
You build a real mobile app that’s indistinguishable from an app built using Objective-C or Java. React Native uses the same fundamental UI building blocks as regular iOS and Android apps. You just put those building blocks together using JavaScript and React.Installation Steps
(also refer in the zip)– Run yarn or npm i to install all modules – Run react-native link to link librariesiOS
– Run react-native run-ios. This should run the metro bundler, and open default simulator to run the app – If you have Xcode > 10 , then you might face an issue sayingEntry, “:CFBundleIdentifier”, Does Not Exist
If so, Option 1 – Change Xcode to Legacy Build System. More details here Option 2 – Open your iOS product in Xcode, give it a proper bundle name like com.enappd.audrix, provide a correct provisioning profile, and you should be able to build it properly. After this, even the command react-native run-android should build it properly.Android– Run react-native run-android. This should run the metro bundler, and open default simulator to run the app. If the metro bundler does not run automatic, go in your project folder, and run react-native start . This should start the bundler. – If you have a device connected, and you face a connection issue via USB, try runningadb reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081
And then again run the react-native run-android command. Your app should run properly on device. If not, open the project in Android Studio and run in the device.