Videos for Taxi Complete Platform
Updated to latest Expo

Tested on Android P/Q/10 versions

Tested on iPhoneX / iOS13
User app Features
– Vehicle Geolocation
– Login/Sign up along with social login option
– Home page for taxi booking
– Complete Uber style booking flow
– History page with details of past ride
– Ride cancel option
– Booking confirmation page
– Google map integration with journey route
– OTP and Forgot password page
– User profile page
– Help page similar to Uber
– Free rides page similar to Uber
– Payment options page similar to Uber
– Settings page similar to Uber
– UI tested for both Android and iOS
Driver App Features
– Vehicle Geolocation
– Driver offline/Online feature
– Ride history page with details of past rides
– Login/Sign up page
– User Request page
– Customer Details page
– Ride accept / cancel feature
– Wallet page with multiple payment methods option
– Document Mangement page
– Notification page
– User Profile page
– Invite your friend page
– Invite sharing with SocialShare plugin
Admin App Features
– Driver list page
– Driver approval page
– Rides Records with route map
– Pickup and drop location
– User list page
Complete Taxi Booking Platform Template
This is the complete Template for a Taxi Booking Platform. A Taxi driver app, Taxi booking app and Admin Dashboard app for taxi booking platform are made by expert UI developers to provide a great app UI for your own Taxi booking, Taxi driver and Admin Dashboard app. Now you can start your own complete Taxi platform app with these functionalities. This is a great starting point for app development, as almost all the work is done here. All pages and components are set. Hence, all you need here is to modify the platform further as per your requirements and attach a back-end. This app has many features common with popular apps like Uber, Ola etc.
Why React Native
You build a real mobile app that’s indistinguishable from an app built using Objective-C or Java. React Native uses the same fundamental UI building blocks as regular iOS and Android apps. You just put those building blocks together using JavaScript and React.
With React Native Framework, you can render UI for both iOS and Android platforms.
It is an open-source framework, which could be compatible with other platforms like Windows or tvOS in the near future.
Since React Native components have counterpart rights, you can reuse these components for building both Android and iOS apps.
You can either incorporate REACT Native components into the code of the existing app or reuse the Cordova-based code with the help of the plugin as well. However, your existing app must be built with Cordova and Ionic code.
React Native Development is comparatively simple, quick and efficient.
React Native is a great pick for those developers who have expertise in JavaScript as there is no need to learn Android specific Java or iOS’s Swift.
React Native is a UI focused, which makes the apps load quickly and gives a smoother feel.
Another reason why the REACT Native framework has gained popularity in recent years is that the framework helps cater both the platforms at one go and ends the holy war of selecting either iOS or Android development for mobile developers. Hence, giant companies like Facebook, Instagram, Skype, Airbnb, Tesla, Walmart, Baidu Mobile, Bloomberg, UberEATS Vogue and many more have shifted their eyeballs towards it.
Installation Steps
(Refer in the zip)
- Have expo installed globally in your system
- Run yarn or npm i to install all modules
- Run npm start